Hope's Outreach, Education, and Collaboration with Others
"It may sound simple, but sometimes the answer to some complicated questions can be found by first taking a single step of generosity. "
Hope Church wants to explore how we might collaborate with other congregations in order to better serve young people and adults alike. You are excellent community resources for Hope to learn from; let us know of your recommended partnership and programming opportunities. Consider what can happen if we pooled our talents and resources in response to the needs of our families, and feel free to contact us directly or simply join us in service this Sunday to connect and begin to brainstorm!"
Anna Lloyd (
Dan Urban (
Bill Borst (
Relating Beyond Hope
Our gatherings at Hope are relating beyond our building to the local community, the nation, and the world. We reach out to feed the hungry, both directly (e.g. volunteering at the Peoples Resource Center food pantry) and by supporting worldwide hunger relief programs (e.g. Bread for Life). In addition, we have developed close relationships with two sister churches - one in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood for over 25 years and the other a small church in Havana, Cuba for over 5 years. Click on the Outreach tab for more.
Little Red Truck Ministry
The next Little Red Truck Ministry will be scheduled soon.
Our next drive thru is to be determined. We will be collecting school supplies for Hope Chicago and the People’s Resource Center. What is needed? Paper, spiral notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners and erasers. For projects and art lessons: crayons, markers, coloring pencils, glue, and scissors. Let’s once again fill the little red pickup truck! If you cannot come to the drive thru, you are welcome to place your donations in the PRC shopping cart located just outside the sanctuary. Hope to see you June 15. For more information on the Little Red Truck Ministry click here.
Or contact: Sheri Clubb (630-639-1220) email:
Promoting Interfaith Hope
Hope strives to develop relationships with all our diverse neighbors, whatever their backgrounds or religious convictions, they are a gift from God. Through our relationships with Bethel New Life, an African American congregation, and with friends discovered through our Hispanic Outeach Ministry, we are grateful for the glimpses of the Beloved Community on our little hill. Members of the Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Native American, Mormon and LGBT communities also participate in our worship services, adult education classes and outreach activities. We learn from one another, support each other in difficult times, and celebrate our common life together. Click on the Ministry/Partners tab for more.